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10 interesting things about KOL

They're three brothers and a cousin! They're named after their father/uncle Leon, a Pentacostalist preacher!
Everyone knows the usual stuff about Kings of Leon – but did you know the following fun facts about the Followills:
1. Only by the Night was the second biggest selling album in Australia in 2008 – so much so that total CD sales actually increased compared with 2007. So much so, in fact, that Sanity Music's strategic project manager Evelyn Brandle cautioned industry publication The Music Network: "Were it not for Andre Rieu, Pink, Kings of Leon, AC/DC and the So Fresh compilation, the industry would have been in a very big hole."
2. The band all actually use their middle names: the members are correctly named Anthony Caleb Followill, Michael Jared Followill, Ivan Nathan Followill and Cameron Matthew Followill.
3. All of their album titles have five syllables. The band claim that the first three (Youth and Young Manhood, Aha Shake Heartbreak and Because of the Times) were coincidence, but they've superstitiously kept it going with Only by the Night.
4. That's not the only superstition they have: before they go on stage they all sing the gospel song 'Just a Little Talk with Jesus': "Now when you feel a little prayer wheel turning/And you know a little fire is burning /You will find a little talk with Jesus makes it right."
5. In the season two finale of The Mighty Boosh ('The Nightmare of Milky Joe'), the only object that Vince Noir (Noel Fielding) brings with him in case of shipwreck is a copy of Aha Shake Heartbreak. His justification is that "It's a blinding album; better than their first one. And they came up with it really quickly."
6. Caleb has claimed that 'Sex on Fire' took the longest time to write. "I kind of wrote it when I was drunk. I didn't want it to be too cliché and too corny. I knew the hook so I wrote one song about two people that hated the sight of each other but the sex was so good that they couldn't stay away. And then I wrote one that was just way too explicit. I just kind of tried to find a happy medium there somewhere."
7. Nathan and Caleb started out singing country music and playing at rodeos around Nashville before the band switched to rock'n'roll.
8. They have many high-profile fans: Bob Dylan, Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder and Kelly Jones of Stereophonics are some who have sung the band's praises, with Isaac Brock of Modest Mouse praising the band's production ethic on Aha Shake Heartbreak: "I understand there was very little overdubbing on that record. Even the vocals were live. It hurts me how psyched that makes me."
9. They're sick to death of answering questions about their father, their being homeschooled or forbidden to listen to secular music when they were growing up. "After a while you feel like you're a story and you're not being recognised for what you're actually out there sacrificing everything for."
10. They've already decided what their final album will be called The Altar Call. It'll break their five-syllable-title rule; but then, if it's to be their last, they won't need the luck anymore.
kings of leon,